Small Groups

There are a number small groups at St Ed’s that meet at various times during the week or every two weeks in different locations. Many tend to be based on geography. If you would be interested in the possibility of joining a group, please contact the Parish Office in the first instance. If you would like to know what it is like to be in a small group – then read on!

Joining one of St Ed’s small groups is an excellent way of making friends in the church. The one I belong to meets fortnightly in private homes near me. It’s very informal, with six or seven members. Each term we decide when to meet and what our theme will be. We often follow a short study course, listen to a cd, or discuss a film we have watched together on DVD.

New members are welcome. Don’t worry that you’ll have to make a big commitment or that it’s deadly serious. There’s often a lot of laughter.  Each meeting starts with an informal chat over tea or coffee, when we can share our news and concerns. Our discussions are always regarded as confidential, and it can be a huge relief to share a problem in such a supportive, friendly atmosphere.  We finish with a prayer for people we know, or if we want to, for ourselves. As we tend to have a practical rather than theoretical approach, our evenings together aren’t often overtly spiritual, but they leave us thinking.

We’re all busy people so we don’t always have a full attendance, but that doesn’t matter. We come as often as we can, as we enjoy doing so. Our programme is flexible enough for a member who missed a session to catch up easily. And the biscuits are good!


  • Church of England.
  • Diocese of York.