Day 25

Day 25


John 1:14

And the Word became flesh and lived among us,

and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son,

full of grace and truth.

The Invitation

And so the Advent wait is over.  The waiting, the watching, the preparations are over, and we now stand with countless generations before us gazing at the manger in which we find the very presence of God.  And as we gaze, what we see is not just a baby, but the glory of God. 

I love this picture of the nativity as in it the light illuminating the scene comes not from any lamps or fires, but from the Christ Child.  The light which was coming into the world is here – and in Jesus we see the glory of God.  And the light which could be utterly overwhelming is instead welcoming, inviting.  Inviting us to gaze and to be transformed.   Inviting us to see in Jesus a grace and truth that gives life and hope. 

The waiting is over.  Hope is here.  And we get to share in the joy of all creation of the presence of God with us, now and for all eternity.

A very Happy Christmas to you and a peaceful and blessed New Year. 







  • Church of England.
  • Diocese of York.