Day 17

Day 17

John 1: 5

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

Light of the World

This statement of faith can sometimes be difficult to believe as we look at the darkness we see in our world today. We can be overwhelmed by the destruction of war, of pain and suffering both near and far. 

One of the songs we sing at church starts with the words: ‘Light of the World you stepped down into darkness, open our eyes, let me see….’

This song, and the verse from John’s gospel above, remind us that God took the initiative to break into our human world of darkness. He sent Jesus to show, through his life, death, and resurrection, that however dark it seems, there is light. In the end love does conquer evil. When all seems dark it can be difficult to see the way ahead. Sometimes it’s helpful to have companions along the way to encourage us. Perhaps by spreading light to others with a smile, an encouraging word or an act of kindness. As we approach this last week before Christmas, perhaps we can reflect some of that light to those around us.


  • Church of England.
  • Diocese of York.